
Welcome to the Kennemer Golf & Country Club. Founded on December 11, 1910, the Kennemer Golf & Country Club moved to its present location in 1928, to the course newly designed by Harry Colt. Since then, additions have been made based on Colt’s design principles, leading to the present 27 holes. The course has an open character so wind is an important factor. Whether amateur or professional, you will be challenged by the unique design, the heavy rough and the prevailing south-westerly wind, all features of this, the oldest seaside course in the country. The Kennemer Golf & Country Club has hosted many national and international amateur and professional tournaments. The Dutch Open has been played here on numerous occasions. In recent years we faced the challenge of presenting a top-quality course without the use of pesticides or other artificial substances. We are proud of the results so far and are confident that the quality of our tees and greens will improve further. A bunker renovation programme is ongoing and if you happen to face a bunker shot, you will experience the improvements to our bunkers. We also welcome you to visit our historic clubhouse, also built in 1928, offering stunning views over the course. Our colleagues in the restaurant look forward to welcoming you for drinks, lunch or dinner. We hope that you will fondly remember your visit to the Kennemer Golf & Country Club.

Wiegert Mulder, President KG&CC


Visitors holding a valid membership card from a golf club or equivalent association recognised by the NGF, or a foreign golf club, with a demonstrated maximum exact handicap of 24, are allowed to play at our course three times a year. On days when there are (club)competitions and / or guest groups, the course is unfortunately closed to visitors.

We kindly ask visitors to contact the caddiemaster beforehand to inquire whether they can play (023 – 571 8456 or via caddiemaster@kennemergolf.nl). The caddiemaster will take into account the usual occupancy of the course when determining visitor access. A maximum of twelve visitors are allowed in the morning and twelve in the afternoon. Visitors are requested to adhere to the instructions of the caddiemaster.

Guest groups of more than twelve people can only be booked through the manager (manager@kennemergolf.nl). Guest groups of less than 10 people are admitted on all days, except for Sundays, and can be booked via the caddiemaster, provided that the occupancy of the course allows it. The course is reserved for members between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.


An Honorary, Playing, Youth, Courtesy or Corporate member may introduce a maximum of three people at a time. The member must be playing themselves and their guests must be registered in advance with the caddiemaster. On Sundays, guests may only be introduced after 1 p.m. in winter and after 2 p.m. in summer.

Members with guests must inform the caddiemaster in advance of their preferred start time. A fixed start time cannot be reserved. A guest must be proficient in playing golf; it is the responsibility of the member to ensure that this requirement is met. Introducés as well as spouses of members may play  on our course up to five times a year.

A member group with guests, consists of more than 4 players and at least 40% members. Member groups must book in advance at the caddiemaster. The rate is € 65,- for non-members. For a member group with a smaller number of members than 40%, the rate of € 150,- applies above the excess of two guests per member.


Members of Eindhovensche Golf, Toxandria, de Pan, Noordwijk, Broekpolder, Rosendaelsche, Hilversumsche, Koninklijke Haagsche and the Kennemer, who have a maximum exact handicap of 24, can play on each other’s courses for a reduced rate. There is a limit of four players per visiting group and a maximum of five visits per player per year. The caddiemaster of the club in question must always be contacted in advance by telephone to find out whether play is possible. Members of the aforementioned clubs are always welcome in the clubhouse, even if they are not playing.


PGA (A&B) cardholders can play five times a year – without paying a green fee – on Mondays, after agreement with the Head Professional and the caddiemaster.

Opening hours

Our clubhouse is open for members and visiting players from 8.30 a.m. until 10 p.m. Opening times may vary during the winter period. The driving range is open from 7 am till 9.30 pm.

Club Restaurant de Kennemer

For all the information on our Club Restaurant de Kennemer, please click here