Style and good manners are appreciated at the Kennemer Golf & Country Club. We hope guests will respect our values.
Please dress appropriately on the course and in the Club house. In doubt, use the guidelines below.
Steel spikes are not allowed on the course from April to October. Soft spikes are allowed in the Club house, but steel spikes are not.
Mobile telephones are only permitted at the (main) entrance of the Club house. Except for emergencies, the use of mobile phones / tablets is not permitted in the Club house, on the terrace, at the driving range and on the course. In an emergency, immediately notify the caddiemaster at +31 (0)23-5718456 or on +31 6 510 18888.
Greenkeepers and Course Staff always have priority. Please wait for their sign before continuing play. Staff safety is of utmost importance and should never be compromised. Their work makes your play possible!
Smoking is prohibited in the entire clubhouse and in the vicinity of the clubhouse. In case of dry weather, smoking may be banned on the course. Please check for non-smoking signs at the first tee.
It is not allowed to bring your dog in the entire clubhouse and in the vicinity of the clubhouse.